Sneaky hustl
Sneaky hustl

sneaky hustl


Now I’m going to teach you how to card count.” Being a Catholic priest, you have a vow of chastity and poverty. And always in his last class - that was so popular - he would say, “Okay.

sneaky hustl

He was an MIT graduate in economics and he taught mathematics and economics. You’re doing this for the honor and glory of God, just like Father Fahey…

sneaky hustl

Meaning if you play by the rules, you’re not getting a thrill out of throwing the money in there and kind of taking the risk. And the idea really, honestly, you don’t gamble. Sal Cordova: So if the computer says, “This is the optimal mathematical play,” you do it. Marks: We’re taught to submit to authority, and that’s following the rules. You play by the rules and you’re disciplined and … And to be a good, successful gambler, you want to follow rules and play by the book, so to speak … But that form of discipline extends to other areas of life. Partly because I think it’s the discipline of following the book.

sneaky hustl

Sal Cordova: So they found me and I was just very moved by the story, because I’m a Christian, and it’s really funny that the Christians have had a long history in advantage play. Why Christians have an advantage in gambling (not prayer, exactly)


Marks: And plus he had a Christian ministry. But I think his story was he was on food stamps at the time, and that was the only thing he could do. Sal Cordova: Now he was really lucky because that’s kind of a smallish bankroll. Marks: That is the power of the exponential. Sal Cordova: The head of the team probably had $700. Marks: Do you know what they started with? In today’s dollars, would that be like 10 million? So they didn’t start out with a lot of money, but because they kept reinvesting their bank, the collective bankroll got bigger and bigger and bigger till the point they were… I think their total winnings at the time, and this was some years ago, was three and a half million. And so I think that they figured, “Well, let’s not work a second job and go out and toil, let’s go to Vegas and card count.” And that’s a way that they earn their money. And typically they were on, well typically you have to work a second job for many ministry positions. And that’s why the team was so effective, because everyone trusted each other and they were honest. You expect him to report that if he really lost $100,000 versus just pocketing it, if he was being honorable. But to have a team like that be successful, they had to be very honest because you’re going to give a guy $100,000. The idea was, use the Law of Large Numbers. It was just kind of, “We’ll just keep playing until they kick us out” type thing. And if they got burned out and got kicked out, so be it, they’d bring another. They’d be throwing down these $10,000 bets or whatever. What they would do is they would just send players in there with a lot of cash. Now they didn’t use the Big Player model.

Sneaky hustl